Choosing the ideal university from thousands of miles away presents some challenges — especially when there are so many great colleges to choose from in the United States. The following facilities by the US govt. can be of help to aspirants in this regard:
‘EducationUSA’ Information and Advising Centers
EducationUSA information and advising centers are located in almost every country around the world, and they are the ideal starting point for students aspiring to studying the US. These ‘centers’ usually have a library with directories, university catalogs, introductory guides, audio-visual media and reference books.
EducationUSA information and advising centers are located in almost every country around the world, and they are the ideal starting point for students aspiring to studying the US. These ‘centers’ usually have a library with directories, university catalogs, introductory guides, audio-visual media and reference books.
College Web Sites
Every U.S. University and college has a Web site that offers a plethora of information about various aspects of degrees, application procedures, academic departments, facilities on campus, and other related topics. Many also give e-mail addresses for current students, including international students, who are often supportive in answering your questions about applying to the school and about social life on campus.
Every U.S. University and college has a Web site that offers a plethora of information about various aspects of degrees, application procedures, academic departments, facilities on campus, and other related topics. Many also give e-mail addresses for current students, including international students, who are often supportive in answering your questions about applying to the school and about social life on campus.
U.S. College Fairs and Visits
Around the globe, numerous US College fairs take place which provide an ideal platform to talk to admissions officers face-to-face. Many of these take place in the spring or fall of the year before you intend to start your studies, so it is important to start your research early.
Around the globe, numerous US College fairs take place which provide an ideal platform to talk to admissions officers face-to-face. Many of these take place in the spring or fall of the year before you intend to start your studies, so it is important to start your research early.
Educational Consultants and Recruiting Agents
In many parts of the world, private agents or agencies work to recruit international students into U.S. colleges. There are also private educational consultants who charge a fee for assisting you with the process of choosing U.S. colleges and putting together your applications. Often theseeducational consultants and private agents are graduates of U.S. colleges or people who are dedicated to promoting the benefits and advantages of the U.S. education system.
In many parts of the world, private agents or agencies work to recruit international students into U.S. colleges. There are also private educational consultants who charge a fee for assisting you with the process of choosing U.S. colleges and putting together your applications. Often theseeducational consultants and private agents are graduates of U.S. colleges or people who are dedicated to promoting the benefits and advantages of the U.S. education system.