There are limited scholarships available in Canada but they rarely cover thefull cost of a study program and they are not always easy to find. Scholarshipsto international students are available at some Canadian institutions forstudents with exceptional results.
The amount awarded varies from oneinstitution to another and usually covers only part of a student's educationand living expenses. The calendar of each universityin Canada includes a complete anddetailed list of the scholarships it administers this information is usuallyavailable on school web sites as well.
Obtaining ascholarship is verycompetitive and applications must be made directly to each university along with theapplication for admission. Community and Career Colleges do not usually awardscholarships nor do school boards or most private schools.
There are various organizations within Canada that administer scholarshipprograms in various countries but they are usually for graduatestudents andprofessors who are studying or researching a specific subject; Students shouldalso check within their home country through public and private organizationsfor any financial assistance they may provide to students
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan enables Commonwealth studentsof high intellectual promise to pursue studies in Commonwealth countries.Awards comprise of travel, a living allowance, and all compulsory tuition fees.
The ShastriIndo-Canadian Institute
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute offers a number offellowships at various levels from graduate to post-doctorate and from researchand training fellowships to lectureships.
Ontario Graduate Scholarship Programme
Ontario Graduate Scholarship Programme scholarships are available to graduatestudents in a wide variety of disciplines. Students must have been accepted toa Ontariouniversity, and obtained a valid student authorization. Social Science and Humanities Research Council is Canada'sfunding agency for university based research and training in socialsciences and humanities which embrace a wide range of disciplines and fields ofknowledge
National Science and Engineering Research Council is a national instrument formaking strategic investments in Canada'scapability in science and technology. NSERC supports both basic universityresearch through research grants and project research via partnerships ofuniversities and industry. For details, please visit:
Government of Canada, international scholarshipprogrammes,
for details, please visit:
Grants and scholarships are also offered by the IndianGovernment. For details contact University Grants Commission.
Scholarships are also granted by international andnon-government organizations. For an overview consult the biannual UNESCObrochure "Studies Abroad".
Types of Assistance
Meritbased assistance is awarded in many forms, from tuition waivers, various typesof assistantships, to fellowships. The most common are listed here:
Students will have a greater chance of getting financial aid if they:
Very few international students get any kind of assistantships and mostpeople get it after reaching there. So you have to arrange for funds for thefirst few semesters, at least till the time you can arrange something there.National Science and Engineering Research Council is a national instrument formaking strategic investments in Canada'scapability in science and technology. NSERC supports both basic universityresearch through research grants and project research via partnerships ofuniversities and industry. For details, please visit:
Government of Canada, international scholarshipprogrammes,
for details, please visit:
Grants and scholarships are also offered by the IndianGovernment. For details contact University Grants Commission.
Scholarships are also granted by international andnon-government organizations. For an overview consult the biannual UNESCObrochure "Studies Abroad".
Types of Assistance
Meritbased assistance is awarded in many forms, from tuition waivers, various typesof assistantships, to fellowships. The most common are listed here:
- TuitionWaiver: This means that the student does not have to pay the tuitionfees at the university. However, general fees(for the use of university facilities like the library, computers, and sports and healthservices) usually have to be borne by the student. A tuition waiver isfrequently awarded in conjunction with ascholarship or teaching/research assistantship.
- Assistantship: Most students who receive assistance do so in the form of an assistantship,i.e. is usually a cash stipend, sufficient for their living expenses, and/ortuition waiver, in return for which they have to work for a maximum of 20 hoursper week which normally consists of teaching or other activities. Teachingassistantships are more likely to be in universities, which have largeundergraduate classes whereas research assistantships tend to be more common inthose fields and universities in which considerable research is going on.Information brochures of most universities give this information.
Students will have a greater chance of getting financial aid if they:
- Showevidence of a high level of academic achievement
- Achievehigh Standardized Examination scores (GMAT, TOEFLetc.)
- Specializein a field or have a research interest which parallels that of the departmentand faculty or private funding source (which increases opportunities forresearch assistantships and grants)
- Haveoutstanding letter of recommendation and an impressive statement of purpose.