Several types of scholarships are available: some areoffered by the Swiss state, others by the Universities themselves and stillothers by various private foundations.

Confederation scholarships are reserved for students whoalready have a university diploma (postgraduates). There are two types ofspecial postgraduate scholarships, one for certain Central and Eastern Europeancountries, and the other for fine arts and music. 

The scholarships aregenerally offered to foreign governments. Applications are submitted to theSwiss diplomatic representative by the national institution responsible forscholarships in the country of origin. Therefore, you should contact yourMinistry of Education or the Swiss diplomatic representative. For more information,visit the Federal Commission forScholarships Web site.

Exchange scholarships are coordinated by the universitiesthemselves, so you’ll need to find out if your home university has anyagreements with Swiss universities. You can also consult the various Swissuniversity Web sites to see what types of scholarship are available.

Some private foundations offer scholarships under their ownconditions. Many of the Swiss university Web sites contain search engines tohelp you locate them. To start, students should check out the list offoundations provided by the Université de Lausanne.

Various scholarships are offered through bilateralagreements between governments and/or universities or within the frame of apool. Scholarships are granted to postgraduate candidates from both industrialand developing countries.

In fine arts and music scholarships for advanced studentsare limited to countries which offer reciprocal student programmes. Candidatesshould, in the first instance, find out from their own country's authoritieswhether they are entitled to a governmental scholarship or should approach theSwiss embassy or consulate in their home country.

The universities themselves can supply information aboutscholarships which they may give. Before applying, candidates (who must beunder 35 of age and proficient in English, German, French or Italian) shouldget in touch with a professor or with the direction of the program at thechosen Swiss educational institution in order to get a written confirmation ofacceptance.

Further information:
ESKAS, Federal Commission for Scholarships for ForeignStudents
Hallwylstrasse 4
CH-3003 Berne
Tel: +41 (0)31 323 26 76
Fax: +41 (0)31 323 30 20
Grants and scholarships are also offered by the IndianGovernment. For details contact University Grants Commission.

Scholarships are also granted by international andnon-government organizations. For an overview consult the biannual UNESCObrochure "Studies Abroad".

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