EU citizens and citizens from some other countries (Honduras, Island, Liechtenstein,Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the United States) do not need a visa. Everybody else must apply for a visa for study purposes via the German diplomatic representation in their home country. You must not under any circumstances travel to Germany on a tourist visa.

A national Visa is issued for stays lasting longer than three months (for example, to attend a preparatory course at a Studienkolleg or to study a full programme).

If you wish to study or do a doctorate, you must make sure right from the beginning that you apply for a national visa for the purpose of studying (student visa). As a rule, you will have to present the following papers and documents to the relevant German mission abroad.
  • letter of admission from the German university,
  • health insurance policy,
  • proof of any academic credits gained or examinations passed,
  • proof of any German language skills you may have or of your plans to take a language course in Germany,
  • Documents that prove how you intend to finance your living expenses while you are studying (proof of sufficient financial resources).

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